Dear Christine,
You need a HIPAA Hero this year. There's no doubt about it. The noise about HIPAA is increasing everyday. Tragically, I am hearing so much MISINFORMATION being spread about HIPAA.
One of my team members actually saw this posted on Facebook: (all of the names have been changed to protect the ignorant)

This is not the only one such belly FLOP of the sort. Check out, "I Don't Want to Hear About HIPAA" for another. BTW- That post is incorrect in many ways. HIPAA compliance is not regulated to your computers. It has many parts. Just doing one thing will NOT make you HIPAA Compliance.
HIPAA Compliance is a daily activity!
So how do you sift through the noise and misinformation floating around out there? Well, you know what they say, "Knowledge is Power." I want to help you conquer HIPAA once and for all. Let me train you and your HIPAA Compliance Officer. Leave my LIVE coaching program with a HIPAA Compliance Program, manuals, polices, forms and access to training for your entire staff- all for less than it would cost to have me in your practice to do it for you! Oh, yeah, did I mention one-on-one coaching?
I heard this from a Dentist at a trade show recently, "Oh my girls in the back handle HIPAA." This is a dangerous place to leave your HIPAA compliance Program - with "the girls" and "in the back." When the OCR calls and asks who your HIPAA Compliance Officer is, are you going to say, "The girls in the back?" I hope not. You need a designated HIPAA Compliance Officer. And you need to KNOW they are getting their information from a RELIABLE source. While I encourage you to have a staff member handle the HIPAA Compliance Officer position, I doubly encourage you to get the training so you can oversee the program. The HIPAA Compliance Challenge Program is designed to keep you in the loop and get your HIPAA Compliance Officer up for the job!
Check it out. I really think you will be glad you did!
"Tink" Dental Compliance Specialists
Dental Compliance Specialists, LLC is the Premier Dental Health Compliance and Quality Assurance provider in the country. We help Dentists develop and maintain compliance programs with the goal of keeping them out of the regulatory limelight. We have in-office and virtual programs all catered to the Provider’s specific needs. Dental Healthcare Compliance includes: DEA, ICE/Homeland Security, OIG, OSHA, HIPAA, Infection Control, Auditing and Monitoring, Record Auditing, employee training, Radiology Compliance, Medicaid Compliance and more…It’s not just about OSHA anymore!