Advanced Dental
If you are participating with insurance how many times do you need to contact them about your fees? ___________
When billing on insurance claim bill __________________________Fee.
If you are receiving more from insurance then was billed out what should you do? _________________
If a patient has a negative balance who should receive that money? _____________________________
Do you know what each insurance pays for a service before you book the case? ___________________
How can you produce the dollars needed to pay the bills? _____________________________________
How many hours do you work per day, week, month, and year? ____________________________________
How many hours do your other clinical providers work per day, week, month, and year? _________________
Can you produce the dollars you want if you don’t know how much it costs for each operatory to run? _______________________________________________________________________________
Are you running your practice with a system that provides you with the amount of time it takes when the patient arrives, is seated, finished, and dismissed? Time is ________________________________!
What systems do you use today_________________________________________________________?
Do you have samples of treatment written up with the fee’s that would be paid by your insurance companies for hygiene appointments? _________________________________________________
NP Visit (what code are you using) D0150, D0160, D0180, D0120 _________________________?
What x-rays are you providing and why? ________________________
Are you taking intra oral pictures? _____________________________
Are you billing for D4910 or D0110? ____________________________
Charting? __________________________________________________
What are you charging for an emergency visit? _____________________
Are you waiting for insurance to pay an emergency visit? ________________________________
What is the best treatment for doctor to provide in an insurance practice? ______________________________
Are you providing D1350 preventive resin restoration in a moderate to high caries risk patient – permanent tooth when patient is seen in hygiene instead of rebooking?_________________
What about any other procedures are you doing when patient are in hygiene? ______________
What products are you selling in hygiene and office? ________________________________