Watch a sample of our new staff training videos!
New Staff Training Videos Released!
After several months in the making, the team is proud to announce the release of 10 new staff training videos! These new videos are engaging, entertaining and guaranteed to be unlike any other training video you've seen. In this email we've only included two video samples, so if you'd like to see more, contact your Account Manager. TO WATCH, USE PASSWORD: training Unauthorized distribution of these videos without permission from is prohibited.
Mid-Summer Mailing Benefits:
- Summer months are a great time to mail!
- Following the 4th of July, people will travel less and have more time to think about seeing the dentist.
- August is just around the corner! Start thinking about Back-to-School offers.
- Summer vacation is a convenient time to schedule multiple appointments for a single visit.
P: 877-319-7772 W: